Promotion Mirror: Ejesieme, Kadejo, Eyo and the 109 TCIP Roll-Call
From all indications and judging by trending social indices of human communication, it would seem the Tin Can Island Port (TCIP) Customs Command roll call of recent promotion in the service was the most celebrated, and therefore, the centre point of both industry and public service perspective. Although the command got a total of 112 promotions across rank, from deputy comptroller downward to the assistant superintendent of customs 1 officer cadre, perhaps, what mattered most was the promotion of the Command Public Relations Officer, Uche Ejesieme to the rank of superintendent. Cerebral, articulate, savvy and by far the most accessible, communicative and an incredibly talented media fire fighter, Uche has cultivated the most robust and effective two way communication with maritime and crime reporters, and known for his ability to quench any media fire, almost for free. Beyond image building and protection of the service and his bosses within the command and beyond, Ejesieme has a...